National Statistical System Collaboration 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kalimantan Barat Province

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National Statistical System Collaboration 2024

National Statistical System Collaboration 2024

July 10, 2024 | Other Activities

In order to strengthen the role of BPS in the National Statistical System (SSN) as a supervisor of statistical data, BPS routinely provides guidance on structured and comprehensive statistical implementation at various levels, including policy makers. This coaching activity is a form of collaboration between data supervisors and data guardians, both at the central and regional levels.

"Collaboration in national statistics is aimed at building the capacity of statistical organizers, data sources and statistical literacy in administering statistics and formulating policies. Strengthening the SSN will produce official statistics that are objective, independent, high quality and trustworthy," said Imam Machdi, Deputy for Methodology and Statistical Information at BPS when opening the 2024 National Statistical System Collaboration activities in Bali (10/7). This activity was attended by the provincial BPS head; Head of the Communication, Informatics and Statistics Service; the head of the division who handles statistical affairs at the provincial regional government data guardian, as well as a team of central and provincial sectoral statistics supervisors from all over Indonesia.

Panel discussions with resource persons from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of PAN-RB, Ministry of Communication and Information, and Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas also helped strengthen collaboration to accelerate development transformation in Indonesia. Furthermore, participants were also invited to carry out benchmarking on the Bali Provincial Government (Pemprov Bali) @pemprov_bali as one of the provincial governments that has the highest Statistical Development Index in Indonesia. Dewa Made Indra, Regional Secretary of Bali Province was present to receive the visit.

Participants also actively discussed with the Head of the Bali Provincial Bappeda and the Head of the Bali Provincial Government's Communication, Information and Statistics Service regarding the implementation of the One Data Forum in the regions. It is hoped that this joint collaboration in providing quality statistical data can create a reliable, effective and efficient SSN.
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